Saturday, April 10, 2010

More writing'll be coming soon, but in the mean time, go ahead and get down with some Swell Season.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


As iPad mania sweeps across campus like that big fire wall from Independence Day, heres some thoughts from mine and Scooter's good friends.


I sit upon a white couch in a sunlit room on a Saturday morning after waking early from a short night of sleep, and while wondering when my fellow house mates would arise from the depths of their quarters and and merrily make their way across the canyon of dirty clothes and junk in the hallway to the blissful shores of a living room already alight with morning sun and a live feed of SportsCenter, I debate leaving my well-worn spot on the couch to journey to the kitchen and celebrate the victorious new day with a hearty bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats and a glass of Bright and Early--O sweet nectar--and yet, I report sizable sensations of comfort and laziness on that old friend of a couch, and so resign myself to remain seated there in the sunlight, watching the lastest sports news talk and awaiting a roommate to arise, arrive, and join me...and possibly bring me breakfast.